Thursday, December 12, 2013

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association / Initiation Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

a.     Add one more While Activity

Both reassign task and request change functionality need to create new task repeatedly, so we need to add one more While Activity.
Based on the workflow described in Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed, drag from the toolbox and drop an WhileActivity into replicateTask activity, and put the original SPTaskActivity1 in this While Activity(whileActivity2) like following:

b.     Communications between task edit form, custom activity and workflow.

Communications between task edit form and custom activity are based on the custom content type, and communications between workflow and custom activity are based on the respective properties declared in each class.

The most important field is “ApprovalStatus”.  The original value is 0, in task edit form,  if Approve button is clicked, it is 1, 2 for Reject, 3 for Reassign Task, 4 for Request Change, and 5 for response to request change. If a task is completed with ApprovalStatus as 1 or 2, that means approved or rejected, this task is finished. If the task complete with ApprovalStatus as 3,4 or 5, the task is not finished, the new added whileActivity2 will create a new task respectively.

This logic can be included in the whileActivity2’s code condition method.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association / Initiation Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

The EventHandlingScopeActivity is an activity that allows a workflow (or part of a workflow) to run while listening to events. In this case, onWorkflowItemChanged will be the event, the workflow will be canceled in this event.

Based on the workflow described in Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity, drag from the toolbox and drop an EventHandlingScopeActivity under OnWorkflowActivated activity, and put the original whileActivity1, replicateTasks and spTaskActivity1 in EventHandlingScopeActivity like following:

Right click on "eventhandlingscopeactivity". Click on "view eventhandlers".
Now you get another view of the workflow. In my EventHandlingScopActivity I have an eventHandlersActivity1 with an EventDrivenActivity, wich has an onWorkflowItemChanged1 activity.  See following Diagram:

Following is the code in onWorkflowItemChanged1_Invoked event handler:

private void onWorkflowItemChanged1_Invoked(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)
        workflowProperties.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
        foreach (SPWorkflowTask WorkflowTask in workflowProperties.Workflow.Tasks)
             WorkflowTask["Status"] = "Canceled";
             WorkflowTask["PercentComplete"] = 1.0f;
        workflowProperties.Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

The only problem is that after the workflow is canceled, the workflow tasks will be deleted automatically. This article: Prevent Workflow Tasks From Being Deleted looks like a solution, but I have not tried this yet.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association / Initiation Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

a.     Add two custom statuses: Approved/Rejected to the workflow, and show these statuses on workflow host list item.

Workflow has some built in statuses like, “In Progress”, “Failed on Start”, “Error Occurred”, etc. In our approval workflow, we need two more custom statuses: Approved/Rejected.
Work on Visual Studio workflow Elements.xml file; add following code just above the ending “Metadata” xml node


Next step we will see the code in Set State activity to assign and show these statuses on workflow host list.

b.    Automatically end the workflow if it is rejected by any participant.

After first rejection, stop the Replicator Activity by it’s until condition, also stop the While Activity by its code condition.
We need to add UpdateAllTasks and SetState activities to the workflow to set statuses as following:

Following are the code in these two activities’ Method Invoking event handler:

    private void updateAllTasks1_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
        updateAllTasks1_TaskProperties1.PercentComplete = 1.0f;
        updateAllTasks1_TaskProperties1.ExtendedProperties["Status"] = "Completed";
        updateAllTasks1_TaskProperties1.ExtendedProperties[SPBuiltInFieldId.WorkflowOutcome] = "Canceled";

    private void setState1_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Approved)
            setState1.State = (Int32)SPWorkflowStatus.Max;
            setState1.State = (Int32)SPWorkflowStatus.Max + 1;

(Int32)SPWorkflowStatus.Max is our custom status “Approved” and (Int32)SPWorkflowStatus.Max + 1 is “Rejected”.

c.     Keep the originally completed task statuses.

UpdateAllTasks Activity will update all the tasks’ status, but we need to keep the originally completed task statuses.

    [Designer(typeof(ActivityDesigner), typeof(IDesigner))]
    public partial class SPTaskActivity : SequenceActivity

After all of above steps, when first rejection, the workflow is rejected, in serial mode, the rest of the approvers are not coming up; in parallel mode, the rest of the approver's status becomes canceled.

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association / Initiation Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

a. Creating a custom content type.

Add custom fields to the content type: RequestMessage, ApprovalStatus, ReassignTaskTo, RequestChangeFrom, NewRequest, and DelegatedBy.

Also change the form url in <FormUrls><Display> and <FormUrls><Edit> to WorkflowForms/TaskForm.aspx, later we will talk about this custom task edit form.

Following is the Elements.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<!-- Parent ContentType: Task (0x0108) -->
<Field ID="{512503F1-C067-464E-8C7A-6B915E54C378}" Name="RequestMessage" DisplayName="Request Message" Description=""
Direction="None" Type="Note" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />
<Field ID="{517B22A5-1B89-4C24-82BE-3D4FD99645BC}" Name="ApprovalStatus" MaxLength="255" DisplayName="Approval Status" Description="" Direction="None" Type="Text" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />
<Field ID="{0EBA7379-141A-4941-9E46-3DE750D84553}" Name="ReassignTaskTo" MaxLength="255" DisplayName="Reassign Task To" Description="" Direction="None" Type="Text" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />
<Field ID="{8D7CD395-204D-4E4D-BAFF-FFE2FC3C4C3E}" Name="RequestChangeFrom" MaxLength="255" DisplayName="Request Change From" Description="" Direction="None" Type="Text" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />
<Field ID="{FDA85E0C-B29C-4C59-9DE2-5D3FE74240FD}" Name="NewRequest" MaxLength="255" DisplayName="New Request" Description="" Direction="None" Type="Text" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />
<Field ID="{7F0DA0FA-C12F-415F-A990-99BC011CD34B}" Name="DelegatedBy" MaxLength="255" DisplayName="Delegated By" Description="" Direction="None" Type="Text" Overwrite="TRUE"
xmlns="" />

<ContentType ID="0x0108010035c1f8f76b7a41458bcc4ee62c6a332e"
Name="myWorkflowContentType" Group="Custom Content Types"
Description="My Content Type" Version="0">
<FieldRef ID="{512503F1-C067-464E-8C7A-6B915E54C378}" Name="RequestMessage" DisplayName="Request Message" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<FieldRef ID="{517B22A5-1B89-4C24-82BE-3D4FD99645BC}" Name="ApprovalStatus" DisplayName="Approval Status" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<FieldRef ID="{0EBA7379-141A-4941-9E46-3DE750D84553}" Name="ReassignTaskTo" DisplayName="Reassign Task To" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<FieldRef ID="{8D7CD395-204D-4E4D-BAFF-FFE2FC3C4C3E}" Name="RequestChangeFrom" DisplayName="Request Change From" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<FieldRef ID="{FDA85E0C-B29C-4C59-9DE2-5D3FE74240FD}" Name="NewRequest" DisplayName="New Request" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<FieldRef ID="{7F0DA0FA-C12F-415F-A990-99BC011CD34B}" Name="DelegatedBy" DisplayName="Delegated By" Required="FALSE" Hidden="FALSE" ReadOnly="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
<XmlDocument NamespaceURI="">
<FormTemplates xmlns="">
<XmlDocument NamespaceURI="">
<FormUrls xmlns="">
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />

Please see: Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity.
In this article, there is a custom activity, the activity class declared many properties such as TaskTitle , TaskDescription , RequestMessage, ApprovalStatus, DelegatedBy, NewRequest, …, they are passed in/out from/to outside parent activity. We also need to pass these fields in/out from/to task edit form by the custom fields included in this content type.
For example, in createSPTaskWithContentType activity, we pass RequestMessage, DelegatedBy and NewRequest to the content type fields(included in the task list item) by following code:

SPTaskProperties.ExtendedProperties[RequestMessageGuid] = ((SPTaskActivity)((Activity)sender).Parent).RequestMessage;
SPTaskProperties.ExtendedProperties[DelegatedByGuid] = ((SPTaskActivity)((Activity)sender).Parent).DelegatedBy;
SPTaskProperties.ExtendedProperties[NewRequestGuid] = ((SPTaskActivity)((Activity)sender).Parent).NewRequest;

These data will be picked up in task edit form.
The ContentType ID starts with 0x010801, which means this content type is derived from Workflow Task.
This ContentType ID is assigned to the task ContentTypeId in createSPTaskWithContentType activity.
Set this content type as a site collection feature.

b. Being able to associate workflow with any tasks list.

In this workflow’s association form, work on the code behind file.
Create a method AddContentTypeToTaskList() as following:

private void AddContentTypeToTaskList()
        Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
        SPContentType TestDataCT = Web.AvailableContentTypes["myWorkflowContentType"];
        SPList TaskList = Web.Lists[(this.associationParams.TaskListGuid)];
        SPContentType ExistCT = TaskList.ContentTypes["myWorkflowContentType"];
        if (ExistCT == null)
            TaskList.ContentTypesEnabled = true;
            SPContentTypeCollection listCTs = TaskList.ContentTypes;
            System.Collections.Generic.List<SPContentType> result = new System.Collections.Generic.List<SPContentType>();
            foreach (SPContentType ct in listCTs)
                if (ct.Name.Contains("myWorkflowContentType"))
            TaskList.RootFolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = result;

Add it to Associate Workflow button click event handler, the code looks like following:

protected void AssociateWorkflow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Optionally, add code here to perform additional steps before associating your workflow
        AddContentTypeToTaskList(); SPUtility.Redirect("WrkSetng.aspx", SPRedirectFlags.RelativeToLayoutsPage, HttpContext.Current, Page.ClientQueryString);
    catch (Exception ex)
        SPUtility.TransferToErrorPage(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, workflowAssociationFailed, ex.Message));

When user selects any task list or a new task list in association form, and click Associate Workflow button, myWorkflowContentType will be assigned to this task list.

c. Applying custom task edit form.

Create a custom task edit form, see this article: Walkthrough: Creating a simple Sequential Workflow with a custom Task Form in SharePoint 2010 using Visual Studio 2010 (Part 1 of 2).
In this task edit form’s page load event, get all the necessary data by this code: SPListItem item = SPContext.Current.ListItem, this is the task list item, the custom Content Type myWorkflowContentType is included in this item.
add code to display different task information according to it is for approval or change request.
Following is the code for button Approve, Reject and Cancel:

protected void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SPList l = SPContext.Current.List;
    SPListItem li = SPContext.Current.ListItem;
    li[SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskStatus] = "Completed";
    li[SPBuiltInFieldId.PercentComplete] = 1;
    li["ApprovalStatus"] = "1";
    SaveButton.SaveItem(SPContext.Current, false, "");

protected void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SPList l = SPContext.Current.List;
    SPListItem li = SPContext.Current.ListItem;
    li[SPBuiltInFieldId.TaskStatus] = "Completed";
    li[SPBuiltInFieldId.PercentComplete] = 1;
    li["ApprovalStatus"] = "2";
    SaveButton.SaveItem(SPContext.Current, false, "");

protected void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

The code for button Reassign Task and Change Request will be shown later when we talk about the topic.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity

Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association / Initiation Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (2) Custom Activity, While Activity and Replicator Activity
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (3) custom Content Type and custom Task Edit Form
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (4) End on first rejection
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (5) cancel task(s) when item changed
Creating a custom sequential workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB approval workflow (6) reassign task and request change

To create a workflow dynamically handling multiple stages for multiple approvers in parallel mode or serial mode, we do following steps:

a.     Creating a custom activity
Create a new Class File and Inherit System.Workflow.Activities.SequenceActivity, then we will have the designer UI and name it SPTaskActivity, place CreateTaskWithContentType, OnTaskChanged and CompleteTask activities.
We will create a custom task edit form and some custom fields in the tasks list for approval later, so we use CreateTaskWithContentType instead of CreateTask. We will talk about this topic later on.

Set CorrelationToken as "taskToken" and OwnerActivityName as “SPTaskActivity”.
In order to allow properties to be passed in/out from/to outside parent activity, we need to declare necessary properties. Following is the code snippet:

using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design;

namespace SPTaskActivity
    public partial class SPTaskActivity : SequenceActivity
           public string TaskTitle { get; set; }
         public string TaskDescription { get; set; }
           public string TaskAssignedTo { get; set; }
         public string RequestMessage { get; set; }

After completing the coding on each activity, build the application. Now a new custom activity will be available in your toolbox.

b.     Creating a workflow
Now go back to the project and create a workflow, add activities like following, drag the SPTaskActivity from your toolbox and drop it inside your replicateTasks.

From previous article, Creating a custom workflow similar with SharePoint OOTB Approval workflow (1) Association Form / Initiation Form, we have the stages data in workflow’s stages IList, every item is a string of users login name separated by comma, the last letter of this string is a letter “P” or “S” also separated by comma indicating this stage is in parallel mode or serial mode.

The whileActivity1 in workflow diagram is for stages.
Set the Condition property to Code Condition, and specify following method:

private void notComplete(object sender, ConditionalEventArgs e)
                assignees = new ArrayList();
                if ((i_while < stages.Count) && Approved)
                    string[] uids = stages[i_while].ToString().Split(',');
                    ArrayList _AssignTo = new ArrayList();
                    _AssignTo.RemoveAt(_AssignTo.Count - 1);
                    ArrayList _AssignToUsers = CommonUtilities.UserList(_AssignTo, workflowProperties.Web);
                    if (_AssignToUsers.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < _AssignToUsers.Count; i++)
                        replicateTasks.InitialChildData = assignees;
                        if (uids[uids.Length - 1] == "P")
                            replicateTasks.ExecutionType = ExecutionType.Parallel;
                            replicateTasks.ExecutionType = ExecutionType.Sequence;
                    e.Result = !complete;
                    e.Result = complete;
                i_while = i_while + 1;

In above code, replicateTasks is assigned with approvers in each stages, and replicateTasks.ExecutionType is ExecutionType.Parallel or ExecutionType.Sequence depending on the last letter of the string.
The initial value of i_while is 0, CommonUtilities.UserList() is a method to pick up every single user if the entity is a SharePoint group. _AssignTo.RemoveAt(_AssignTo.Count - 1) is to remove the last letter of this string (“P” or “S”);
Boolean variable Approved is used to stop the process if any approval task is rejected.

The replicateActivity1 in workflow diagram is for approvers in serial and parallel mode.

    private void replicatorActivity1_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (assignees.Count > 0)
            spTaskActivity1.TaskAssignedTo = assignees[assignees.Count - 1].ToString();
            spTaskActivity1.TaskTitle = WorkflowConst.TaskTitle + workflowProperties.Item.Title;
            spTaskActivity1.TaskDescription = WorkflowConst.TaskDescription;
            spTaskActivity1.ApprovalStatus = "0";
            spTaskActivity1.RequestMessage = RequestMessage;

    private void replicatorActivity1_ChildInitialized(object sender,  ReplicatorChildEventArgs e)
        ((SPTaskActivity.SPTaskActivity)e.Activity).TaskAssignedTo = e.InstanceData.ToString();
        ((SPTaskActivity.SPTaskActivity)e.Activity).TaskTitle = WorkflowConst.TaskTitle + workflowProperties.Item.Title;
        ((SPTaskActivity.SPTaskActivity)e.Activity).TaskDescription = WorkflowConst.TaskDescription;
        ((SPTaskActivity.SPTaskActivity)e.Activity).ApprovalStatus = "0";
        SPRegionalSettings oRegionalSettings = workflowProperties.Web.RegionalSettings;
        SPTimeZone oTimeZone = oRegionalSettings.TimeZone;
        ((SPTaskActivity.SPTaskActivity)e.Activity).RequestMessage = WorkflowConst.ApprovalStartedBy + workflowProperties.OriginatorUser.Name + WorkflowConst.On + oTimeZone.UTCToLocalTime(workflowProperties.Workflow.Created).ToString() + " Comment: " + RequestMessage;
The custom activity is wrapped in two level loops, While Activity and Replicator Activity, this is Spawned Contexts. So we need to use the event parameter to reference the custom activity properties to pass parameters.